A Message of Prayer and Care from St Matthews

Dear All,

At this uncertain time, we are upholding you and yours and praying for your safety and well being. You are invited to join in with other SEQ Anglicans in the prayer that follows.

Please let me or Randal [0408 878711] know of any pastoral needs at this time. Every blessing as you go and we commit you into His loving care

Revd Morris and the Pastoral Care team (0449 557 351)

Almighty and eternal God,

who sees us surrounded by so many dangers and challenges, grant in your infinite goodness your protection over us as we watch and wait to see the path of Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

Give continued healing to those still suffering from past weather events, wisdom to those who lead our communities and respond to emergencies, and a spirit of generosity toward neighbour where sacrifice is needed. We ask this through Christ our Lord, who is our constant help and protector, now and forevermore.


A Message of Prayer and Care from St Matthews