Service arrangements (Tomorrow 09-03-2025)

Dear Friends, 

We give thanks to God that Cyclone Alfred’s impact upon many of us has not been as strong as was predicted in some of the weather modelling. However, many in SEQueensland and Northern NSW have suffered and are still suffering from damage, flooding and loss of power. We uphold them in prayer and encourage everyone to look to their neighbours and authorities to assist or be assisted as circumstances permit. Fortunately, our beloved church has not been damaged - Praise God!

We intend to hold an in-person service at St Matt’s at 9 am tomorrow as usual. However, we don’t want folks venturing out in inclement conditions where it is unsafe to do so or where their route involves navigating across flood prone areas.

So, if you are concerned at all as to ease of travel, we encourage you to stay at home and participate in our service virtually via this link

We also encourage you to reach out to our fellow parishioners to check if they are OK or need assistance and to ’spread the word’ concerning tomorrow’s service arrangements. Particularly, we ask that you reach out to those who may not usually access emails, our Facebook site or our website.

Please advise Revd Morris, the Wardens or one of the Pastoral Care team of any need for assistance or special prayer requests.

We pray that you and yours be kept safe from harm, that this time of crisis quickly passes and that those who need assistance and support receive it swiftly. Embolden our hearts and  bodies to help and pray for each other and our community as we are able. Uplift and strengthen all emergency workers as they struggle to assist our community to remain safe and rebuild. We give thanks Lord, for your presence with us all at this time and offer these our prayers in Jesus’ name AMEN.

Revd Morris: 0449557351
Heather Walker: 0411556279
Randal Dennings: 0408878711

Service arrangements (Tomorrow 08-03-2025)