Our monthly Men’s Group Breakfast is usually held on the first Thursday of each month. It’s a chance for good quality ‘guy-time’ as well as fun, jokes and fellowship over a delicious, cooked breakfast in the parish hall. At $5, it’s the best value breakfast in town!
These occasions are designed to provide spiritual – as well as physical – nourishment. Sometimes guest speakers attend and provide inspiring words and valuable insights on spiritual matters. Other times, we explore, in an informal Q+A style open setting, topical issues for Men who are seeking to live an authentic and faithful life in the midst of all the usual chaos, rush and bustle that surrounds us and our families daily.
While these gatherings are usually male-only affairs, there are times when we’re happy to make an exception … and enjoy our partners’ company for further fellowship and fun.
Why not join us for our next Men’s Breakfast?
Where: St Matthew’s parish hall, Logan Road, Holland Park
What time: 7:00am on the first Thursday of the month
“Love one another with brotherly affection. Out-do one another with showing honor.” Romans 12:1